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Contractors Can Improve Your Home

Hello! I would like to give you the warmest welcome to my blog. My name is Pete and last year, I decided to carry out some home improvements. Somewhat foolishly, I decided to try and carry out the work myself. As you can imagine, it was a bit of a disaster as I do not have many skills. Thankfully, I have a friend who works in the construction and contracting service. He called in some of his friends who were able to come in and fix up the mess I had made. I am really pleased with the results so I thought I would write about it here.


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Contractors Can Improve Your Home

Misconceptions About Getting a Land Survey Done on Your Property

by Regina Barnett

There are many reasons why a property owner might want a land survey conducted; typically this inspection is to note the actual boundaries of a property, but it may also include other information, such as the natural features included inside those boundaries. If you're thinking of having a land survey done for any reason, or it's been suggested to you that you get such a survey done, note a few misconceptions you might have about this work and about the information you would then receive.

Disputes with neighbours

One common reason for a land survey to be done is to settle a dispute with neighbours as to the actual boundary of a property. While the information in a land survey can tell you the real boundaries of a property, a surveyor is not a lawyer and cannot give you advice on what to do with that information! If it's found that a neighbour has an outbuilding or fence that is encroaching on your property, or that your property extends further than your neighbour thinks, you need to talk to a lawyer about what to do to settle this dispute. The surveyor can provide you with a boundary report, but cannot give you legal advice on your rights, even according to the information that report contains.

Surveys versus inspections

Note that land surveys are different than actual land inspections. A survey, as said, will tell you the boundaries of a property and if there are natural elements on it, easements across the property, and so forth, but this survey doesn't inspect the soil itself. If you're worried about asbestos in the soil, water underground, and other features of the actual soil, you need a soil inspection, not a land survey.

Value of land

A land survey can mark off actual boundaries of a plot of land, and tell you its actual square footage; however, as with a home inspection, this doesn't tell you the actual value of that land. Only a real estate agent or appraiser can assign a dollar value to a plot of land, although that dollar value will, of course, be affected by the information in the survey. Note, too, that a land surveyor usually cannot advise on whether or not the asking or selling price of a parcel of land is equitable, given the information in the survey; this is also something that only a real estate agent or appraiser can do.
